Released in 2016, Ajmal Patchouli Wood is a men's fragrance that brings all the rich depth you would expect from a long-lasting scent. With its emphasis on spiciness, this robust scent from perfumier...
Sweet, fresh and charming, Ajmal Sonnet is an irresistible springtime fragrance that fuses lush florals with nuances of fruit, wood and spice. Effusive, enveloping orange blossom blooms in the...
Irrepressibly fresh and energizing, Ajmal Vision fuses bright fruit and effusive florals with light wood and musk. The scent opens with a brisk, bright citrus blend of bergamot and lemon fused with...
Ajmal Wanderer is a men's fragrance that creates a delightful experience with its fruity, citrus, woody, floral and warm accords. It starts with a mysterious fruit and citrus blend in the opening...