Released in 2016, Ajmal Patchouli Wood is a men's fragrance that brings all the rich depth you would expect from a long-lasting scent. With its emphasis on spiciness, this robust scent from perfumier...
Freshen up your ensemble with the poignant scents of fresh wildflowers and crisp muskiness in Ajmal Violet Musc. The top note is a persistent violet that hovers on the perfume all day. The middle...
Released in 2015, Ajmal Cuir Musc is a leathery unisex cologne with additional sweet, musky and woody accords. Juicy and tarty raspberry combines with deliciously fresh watermelon and the vitality of...
Ajmal Amber Musc is a musky, woody fragrance that entered the market the spring of 2015. The fragrance is part of a Musc collection, but sets itself apart with strong notes of rose throughout. Top...
Sweet, fresh and charming, Ajmal Sonnet is an irresistible springtime fragrance that fuses lush florals with nuances of fruit, wood and spice. Effusive, enveloping orange blossom blooms in the...